Information • Referral
Free, friendly conversation about community resources and services available to those age 60 and over.
Massachusetts Family Caregiver Support Program
Our support services can provide you with a wide range of options if you are caring for an elderly family member.
Personal Emergency Response Service
This service provides a 24-hour monitored medical communications alert system.
Safety from Abuse & Neglect
Protective Services investigates allegations of abuse or neglect to ensure the safety of elders from harm.
Home Health Services
Persons aged 60 and older may obtain skilled nursing, home health care and physical therapy in the home.
Ombudsman, Your Rights as a Long-Term Care Resident
Ombudsmen go to care facilities to speak with and support residents, and make sure they receive adequate care.
Adult Day Programs
An alternative to institutional care, this program offers health supervision, restorative services and socialization.
Chore Services
This service provides elders with assistance with heavy household chores and home maintenance tasks
Options Counseling
There are choices available for pivotal moments in aging, such as hospital discharges, nursing home versus at-home care, and other options.
Respite Services
Family caregivers sometimes need a break, even with effective supports and services. Respite services offer a breather.
Representative Payee Services-Assistance with Day-to-Day Finances
This program serves elders who are no longer able to manage their own financial affairs.
Bill Payer Services-Assistance with Day-To-Day Finances
This service's participants are able to make financial decisions for themselves, but they may require some help.
Personal Care & Homemaker Services
Our Personal Care Program enables qualified adults over 60 to receive help at home.
Home Delivered Meals
A fresh, delicious meal, that we make in our own kitchen will be delivered Monday through Friday, courtesy of our friendly delivery drivers!
Local Dining Centers
Older adults can enjoy a great meal at one of our dining centers, while enjoying the company of others.
An ADRC provides streamlined access to services for elders and people with disabilities.
Consumer Directed
Put yourself in control of the services you need by hiring a relative, neighbor, friend or home care professional to provide the help YOU want to live in YOUR home.
Frail Elder Waiver
A Home and Community Based Waiver Program designed to make in-home services and supports available to frail elders.
Benefits Support Program
Need help applying for SNAP, Medicaid or other benefits?
Community Transition Liaison Program
The Community Transition Liaison Program (CTLP) is free to all nursing facility residents who are 22 years old or older, regardless of insurance type.
Clinical Assessment and Eligibility
Screenings for Nursing Facility, Adult Day Health and Home Health Services for MassHealth members
Nutrition Counseling
Why change my diet? An unbalanced diet can create a deficiency leading to many different health problems. A registered dietitian can assess your diet and find areas to improve.