Highland Valley Entry

Highland Valley Initiatives

Purchased Services Request for Proposals (RFP) 

The Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) contracts with Aging Services Access Points (ASAPS) throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to administer homecare programs for persons sixty years of age and over and adults with disabilities. Highland Valley Elder Services (HVES) is a private, non-profit agency, serving as the ASAP in 24 towns in Hampshire and Hampden Counties. 

To access our Provider Information Page, click here.

Title III Subgrants Funding

The Title III Request for Proposal (RFP) seeks bidders interested in building collaboration and partnerships in pursuit of our agency mission and mandates. We seek proposals to support elders and family caregivers to promote quality long living.  Our goal is to support proposals that demonstrate community partnerships and collaborations with the end result of providing collaborative services.

The FY24-25 Title III Application period has now closed. Next application period begins in the Spring of 2025.
For FY24-25 RFP Information, please click here .